Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why to study Oriental Sciences..???The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; The inferior doctor treats actual sickness.

 India’s Life today appears to depend on the West – the developed world – for supply of everything which it needs in order to take part of what we call modern civilization. With each passing year, India makes greater and greater demands on the West, both for concrete manufactures and technical know-how. The thoughtful and serious-minded Westerner, however, will be able to see a different and truer picture of India’s contribution.

The natural range of temperature of temperature moisture, availability of water, shows an atmosphere which is very suitable to all living beings. The climates elsewhere in the world do not allow the man to live without artificial heating or cooling of the residential environment. In these parts of world, clothing and residential protection required is also more. Similarly the conditions for natural growth of agricultural products are also not much favorable. In India, naturally favorable ecological factors are present. Hence it can be assumed that the beginning of mankind or even that of other life.
The oriental sciences which grasp facts of life constant and consistent. Ayurveda also does not change its fundamentally accepted principles every now and then. The developed sciences at present are changing their concepts every now and then, and are calling this progress. It is seen that if “drug of choice” thirty years back is regarded as “drug worth rejection” ten years after, then the method and approach of accepting that particular drug as the “drug of choice” needs consideration. And if this is continued for 50 to 60 years, then it must be stated that it is not the drug but the approach that needs reconsideration. As this is the common fact in the medical profession worldwide, they are eager to find reliable method of understanding these factors. Therefore people are eager to learn oriental sciences.  Since the cells are consistent then drugs (stimuli) designed for this should be consistent. And this is the theme of the science of Life called Ayurveda. It has established certain methods to examine prepare and describe foods, the drugs and behaviors that are totally helpful to stage of health and disease. And it has not changed the principles to maintain health or the principles to treat the disease since its inception. The Orientals have everlasting character as against the ever changing, non-Orientals. All the sciences in East have their independent origin and therefore, it is worthwhile to study them including the science of positive health – Ayurveda. The present day sciences are laying more emphasis on analytical view. But the oriental sciences do not give that much weight to this. Instead of giving importance to various ingredients, Ayurveda give more weight to the total effect of any substance on being or individual. The biochemistry, for instance may not be able to find a difference between the diverse effects produced by consumption of vegetable oil and ghee. But the fact is that, the effects of both are quite different. If the ghee and oil are biochemically similar, then why are their effects on the human body not similar? Similarly Ayurveda understanding of Ushna(hot) or Sheet(cold), describes totally different quality not so far discovered by biochemistry.
In diet there are varieties of pulses in use. But certain pulses are maximally absorbed while others, not only help for mere absorption but also help for adding bulk of stools and formation of more gas. In all these examples, if biochemical analysis does not provide a guide for different effects that are actually seen, then it must be due do certain qualities. Ayurveda has mentioned all these qualities by which different effects can be scientifically explained. There are so many causes contribution that are not even touched by the so called modern sciences, but are scientifically and professionally elaborated by Ayurveda.
It is important to understand the basic difference in the format of oriental and non oriental sciences. Understanding the concept as whole and find a probable and vulnerable comparison. While describing various Ayurvedic principles, it is not possible to provide exact dictionary parallel. So it is important to understand the  basic concept.
 "Only the healing art enables one to make a name for himself and at the same time give benefit to others."

Thursday, September 23, 2010


In various Ayurveda texts, description has been given regarding wholesome and unwholesome food items. These criteria of selection & rejection of food substances is based on certain principles. All the text has described these principles by two methods. (1) General guideline and (2) Particular qualities of each food-substance. If you see the original description, now a day’s everyday and occasional diet have changed not only India but most places of world. The general guidelines therefore are more useful for application.

All food items can be tested by following methods-
·        Pentadic or primordial dominance ( Panchabhautik),
·        Taste & acceptability,
·        By examining chemical or organic means,
·        Animal examination regarding maturity of its tissues, feeding & excretory products etc.
·        Prepared food examination regarding its contact with water, fermentative factors used, preservatives added and the qualities of combined ingredients.
·        Evolvement of biological products.

 While consuming one have to pay attention to avoid VIRUDHA or opposite: this technical term means various combination of food which is not useful for nourishment. If proper attention is not paid then even, wholesome food becomes opposite and may prove harmful to person. The food which is otherwise wholesome in a cold region may not prove the same in a hot region. Also seasonal variations are to be considered.
Every individual possesses a specific capacity to digest & convert food to body tissues. This capacity varies from individual to individual. Certain people maintain well by avoiding heavy food while others can be healthy by consuming that. This difference due to individual’s specific capacity to convert quantum and qualities to raw to fine. Life will become unhealthy and unhappy, if digestive capacity/JATHARAGNI is ignored and only nutritive value is considered. The same is true for a proportion of main nutritive items of diet and spicy which digestion promoting items, if the proportion is not maintained; the consumer will suffer from harmful effects.
While advising diet, a tolerance to particular food must be taken into account, because people residing in different geographical regions have different tolerance to various food items. The doshic dominance in the body demands a particular type of food. It is observed that some maintain their health by repeated fasting while some require more food but do not tolerate the delay in eating even for short span. This happens due to dominance of DOSHAS/ biological body humors.
The process of preparation of a diet is also very important, similarly, if opposite qualities food mixed together while preparing, then useful ingredients lose their potential, and the diet may become harmful. The Gastro Intestinal Tract Lumina is going to receive food and the difference in acceptability is due to the different pattern of G. I. Tract of the recipient. Hence harmful effects in this example can be avoided.
The method and source of heat for cooking the food is also very important. Because it may add subtracts the total beneficial effect of food. Slow and fast heating, direct or indirect heating, or either baking, roasting etc. have different effects on various food items & consequently the nourishing capacity of food changes accordingly. Many food substances have their best utility for a particular short span. If these items are used before or after this span, they lose their nutritive value. Premature, over preserved or even hybrid food substances may appear like wholesome but they lack in optimal quantities that are expected from them.
From this you can get idea, of what depth the ultimate nourishability of food is considered by Ayurvedic scientists. It is not the ingredient analysis alone is responsible for nourishment, but that the building up of body tissues is dependent upon so many other contexts along with the proper substances. The substances, which have maximum beneficial effects, have certain common characters. These are easy for digestion, homologous to tissues, are easily absorbed and provide optimal roughage required for excretory products. Hence these food items can be consumed in all seasons.

It is common observation that at present we do not consume these. This might be the cause for disease occurrence and drug dependence.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do you have office A.D.D.??? Attention Deficit Disorder is the productivity killer affecting most office workers today….!!!

Do you have office A.D.D.??? (Attention Deficit Disorder )

Mail box cluttered with last year’s spam. Juggling three phones at once. Getting frazzled looking at the number of messages that need a reply. If that’s your usual day, you may be heading for, or have already caught, that deadly workplace disease: attention deficient disorder.
Things slipping out of the mind moments after you filed them in the brain had become common occurrence, difficulty in focusing, inability to complete a project, irritability, anxiety. Very short attention spans have been traditionally associated with children. Surprise…!!! It is now accepted by the medical community that childhood A.D.D. can continue well into the adulthood.
The biggest prey group consists of young professional men, not equipped with multitasking skills that evolution has given women. Two of biggest tools of multitasking – the cell phone and email are also two of biggest enemies of the concentration. These first came to India just over decade ago, changing the way we work. Every mobile phone interruption, every email message popping up on the corner of your computer screen hindrance to your concentration. Because, much as the modern young professional loves to believe that he is an efficient juggler at work, study after study shows that the grey matter is not equipped to handle two complex tasks at once – at least not without slowing you down or screwing you up. In a 2006 study published in Neuron, MRI technology is used to show that an actual neural bottleneck occurs in the frontal lobes when you attempt to do two tasks at once. And when you are interrupted doing something, your brain can’t go back seamlessly to the job it was doing before the interruption. Modern methods of 24x7 communications are the building blocks of A.D.D. you often feel overwhelmed by the number of phone calls or emails you have to deal with daily.
There is no question that A.D.D. can disrupt lives and reduces the productivity.”It can be mild, moderate or severe and symptoms vary from person to person- but they have some combination of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. “For most of people with A.D.D. their lives are filled with overwhelming chaos- piles of stuff, never ending tasks and out of control clutter. They are contently behind the schedule and frazzled.”
Office A.D.D. can be controlled by training your mind and forcing yourself to stick to new work flow plan until habit becomes second nature. Clinical A.D.D., like any other clinical condition, needs diagnosis and treatment. “the diagnosis can be  liberating, particularly for people who have been stuck with labels like ‘lazy’, ‘stubborn’, ‘willful’, ‘disruptive’, ‘impossible’, ‘tyramical’,’brain-damaged’, ‘stupid’, or just plain ‘bad’. It’s not unusual for A.D.D. sufferers to taste success in a enterprise if they manage to focus their energies, but A.D.D. prevents them from becoming well-adjusted individuals.

That’s the thing about this disorder. It takes a lot of adapting to get on in life living with A.D.D. “But”, “it certainly can be done, and be done very well.

KNOW THYSELF: - How can you tell if A.D.D. lurks inside you??? Check for these symptoms. You may have the disorder.
·        If you are forever irritable.
·        If you have difficulty falling asleep, and difficulty waking up all the time.
·        If you have trouble completing projects and tends to jump from one activity to another.
·        If you get bored easily, like within 5 minutes of starting to do something, or within a couple of months of starting of job.
·        If you regularly lose things like keys, important papers, phone numbers etc.
·        If you frequently have troubled remembering tasks.
·        If you find yourself overcommitted and often late.
·        If you keep making impulsive purchases and hasty decisions.
·        If you feel overwhelmed and disorganized in your daily life.
·        If you go off on a tangent in conversations, usually interrupt others or even reply before the other person has finished asking question.
·        If you have trouble balancing your cheque book, or have difficulty with paper work.
·        If you fidget or squirm when seated for long periods.
·        If you have difficulty engaging in leisure activities quietly.

·        Work in small spurts rather than long hauls. Break all tasks down into smaller tasks.
·        Get help where you need it, whether it’s having secretary or an accountant.
·        Use tools to keep life organized, such as personal digital assistants, “to-do” lists and outlook reminders.
·        Be realistic when making to-do lists. Pick 2 or 3 things every day to concentrate on, not 8 or 9.
·        Before you start a job, fix a goal. If you don’t know where you are going, how you will get there?
·        Remember people with A.D.D. will forget the things. When that happens, don’t get frantic. Just pick up where you left off and restart in the right direction.
·        Get enough exercise to work off some of the noise inside.

Modern-day maladies: - These are the evils that make your life a misery.
·        Packing in too much: Some call it work overload; others call it multitasking. Imagine: you are working on Excel, surfing on net, listening music, answering email, and chatting on phone about cricket. Being able to juggle so much may seem impressive, but our brains have billions of neurons….yet the truth is we can really focus on only one thing at a time.
·        All those missed meals: Short attention span could result from low levels of blood sugar, too. Since the brain needs glucose to function, lack of it keeps you from focusing. But this does not license you to gobble chocolate. A fruit juice is a much better substitute, so are energy dense snacks, as nuts.
·        An attic full of junk: you know ell that diet rich in junk food is poor in vitamins and minerals. Lack of iron is especially bad for concentration. If your symptoms point to A.D.D., add more cereals and beans to your diet for better iron intake.

Attention Deficit Disorder is the productivity killer affecting most office workers today….!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A WAYS TO TRIM an INCH…To drop belt notch or two, just follow one of these simple, surefire steps.

                To drop belt notch or two, just follow one of these simple, surefire steps.
1)      Make waves: - Swimming burns fewer calories than running, but as you’re suspended in water, you can go on longer. Thirty minutes front crawl everyday for six weeks will burn off an inch.
2)      Get booted: - Ninety minutes of football burns 1,500 calories. In just six weeks, you’ll be an inch nearer that call from one of the national clubs.
3)      Suck it in:-Holding pressure for 30 seconds will help flatten your stomach. Three sets of 30 a day for two months will see you one inch slimmer.
4)      Start big: - Making breakfast the biggest meal of the day can reduce overall calorie intake by 10%. Just 2 months of it will strip an inch off your waistline.
5)      Be a GI Joe: - Low glycaemic index foods, like fruits and pulses, can cut calorie intake by a quarter. An inch gone in month.
6)      Move it: - Lost weight four times quicker through daily, light exercise burst.
7)      Squat: - Do 3 sets of 12 squats with a barbell each day for six weeks to shed an inch.
8)      Dine early: - Sleeping within an hour of dinner can pile on up to 1kg a month. Sleep light for two months.
9)      Pedal power: - A 30 minute bicycle run burns 3,000 calories a week, so 5 weeks will recycle that inch.
10)   Small change:-Switching to low fat dairy and meat product shaved 0.45kg a fortnight. One month does it.
11)   Come dancing: - At 500calories an hour, three two hour grooves a week for five weeks will do.
12)   Milk it: - Half a litre of filling skimmed milk mid morning and afternoon can cut 300 cals a day. Six weeks skim an inch.
13)   Swinging it: - a three hour round of golf twice a week will put the porky pros to shame in just 35 days.
14)   Pack protein: - Eating low fat, high protein foods such as fish and skimmed milk boost weight loss. Get 40% of your calories from protein packed foods to five weeks.
15)   Pre supper sweat: - Intense exercising before meals suppresses appetite, cutting food intake by up to 10%. Sample 20 minute ‘starter’ runs for nine weeks.
16)   Go green: - Drink green tea before you exercise. The beverage frees fatty acids, so you burn fat more easily. Two large cups daily for seven weeks.
17)   Moral fibre: - switching to high fibre diet has been shown to reduce daily calorie intake by up to a third. Three-and-a-half weeks of eating wholemeal pass your spare inch on to the porcelain.
18)   Step up: - walk up and down three flights of stairs five times a day and burn 200 calories. Three months and you are an inch short.
19)   Swap slices: - forgot the cheese and pepperoni pizzas and go for vegetable and mushroom pizza. At a fifth of the calories, 14 switches do it.
20)   On the court: - tennis burns 470 calories an hour, so a two hour session three times a week ditches that inch in six.
21)   Jump to it: - “Rope skipping works your whole body, develops intense core strength and rock-hard abs. just 20 minutes daily for six weeks will lead to looser trousers.

     Try one of these..... !!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cheese that tops Heart- Healthy Diet....Pick up your.

Say Cheese for the Best… No matter how you slice it, cheese has benefits other than tasting delicious. Find out which tops a heart-healthy diet.

Find out from 8 popular cheeses each of 30gm servings, which have lowest overall fat content. But they must still be packed with muscle-building protein. Cheese can sodium mine, so find one that has highest content of sodium. The best cheese is high in bone builders like calcium and low in calories—so you can enjoy them without guilt.

1) Parmesan: - 7gm fat + 10gm protein + 454mg sodium.

2) Cheddar: - 9gm fat + 7 gm protein.

3) Mozzarella: - 5gm fat + 7gm protein + 175mg sodium +72calories + 222mg calcium.

4) Brie: - 8gm fat + 6gm protein.

5) American: - 7gm fat + 6gm protein.

6) Cottage: - 1gm fat + 14gm protein + 459mg sodium.

7) Swiss: - 8gm fat + 8gm protein + 54mg sodium +108calories + 224mg calcium.

8) Colby: - 9gm fat + 7gm protein.

So your cheesy Champion is ….MOZZARELLA ( made from fresh cow’s milk ).

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The Secret key Ingredient !!! Olive Oil in Indian cuisine...!!!

The easiest change you can make…Even with a regular Indian diet, you can prevent heart problems, fight cancer and increase life expectancy.

The secret Ingredient: OLIVE OIL.
Olive oil is universally accepted as a miracle food. Poets have sung about it, doctors have raved about it and chefs cannot do without it. The whole world has switched to Olive oil for its daily cooking. Why not us?

Because, for some reason, no one took the trouble to educate us! No one told us there are different grades of Olive Oil for different uses. No one explained to us how exactly Olive Oil’s unique properties benefit our health. So, we continue to believe in myths that convinced us Olive Oil wasn’t the right for Indian homes.

Olive Oil can be used for Indian cooking, if you use right grade. We tend to pick up Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the shelves because we’ve heard it’s the best oil. Best flavor, sure, but not best for Indian cuisine! When we tried to cook Indian cuisine with Extra Virgin, we found that the taste changed! No one told us that Extra Virgin is somewhat heavy and viscous oil, when compared to other grades of Olive Oil, and is the best suited for raw use in dressings, dips and flavourings.

In fact it’s the humble Olive Pomace Oil is the cooking grade oil. Pomace oil is used all over Italy, spain, and the Mediterranean for every type of cooking. It is light oil with neutral taste and flavor. Olive Pomace oil can be used for all methods, type and varieties of Indian cooking it is neither changes the taste nor presents any difficulties while cooking. Indian cuisine whether fried, roasted, or cooked by any other method, tastes as good as Olive Pomace Oil as with the usual refined oil in your kitchen.
It is true that Extra Virgin Olive oil has a low smoking point. Many of its antioxidants are lost when it is heated. The best use of Extra Virgin is raw, when the full benefits of its flavor and health attributes can be experienced.
Olive Pomace Oil however has a smoking point of 238degreeC, one of the highest amongst culinary oils. Its benefits are especially apparent when frying at between 130 and 238 degree C. At these temperatures, Olive oil forms a crisp golden crust, making the fried food much more appetizing but without affecting its nutritional value. During the process, the oil hardly penetrates the food, leaving it light and digestible. It may be reused 3-4 times as long as it is filtered carefully after each use through gauze, muslin or suitable paper filter.

Olive Oil is not too expensive, if you use the right grade and use it correctly! Your doctor may tell you that you can’t put a price tag on good health but the one you see on olive oil sure pinches!! Don’t be misled by the price tag because, even though Olive Oil costs more than other edible oils, it is economical to use since it is used in 1/3rd the quantity of other edible oil. Since Olive Oil has a high smoking point, it can also be reused 3-4 times.

Used in1/3rd the quantity and reusable 3 times, the effective cost of Olive Oil is 1/9th its actual price. Moreover, make sure you us the right grade of Olive Oil for the right purpose.

Greatest fact of all: - Olive oil is the World Healthiest Cooking Oil. Prevent Heart Problems, Increase Life Expectancy!!

With low saturated “bad” fats and the highest content of mono unsaturated “good” fats amongst all oils, Olive Oil reduces LDL or bad cholesterol and helps prevent heart disease and diabetes. Olive oil is also packed with anti oxidant that fight against cancer, reduces the effect of aging and increase life expectancy significantly.

Making OLIVE OIL a part of your daily cooking can bring instant and easy wellness to your family’s diet.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

In your out your sypmtoms.. fastest growing cancer in India.. !!!

In your gut …It’s the fastest growing cancer in India. In recent years, the way we live & how we eat have been taking the rap for numerous healths hazardous, ranging from obesity to diabetes. But in the case of colon cancer, which is now making urban Indians its victims. It has been observed that the incidence of colon cancer starts to rise sharply after the age of 50. With life expectancy in India hitting 64 years, this explains why an increasing number of Indians are being diagnosed with colon cancer. Indians are becoming aware to colon cancer.

Pay heed to symptoms... “Diet, smoking, alcohol, and environmental factors play a significant role in increasing colorectal cancer risk; never-theless it is difficult to quantify the risk of individual factors as there is always interaction with hereditary factors”. Unfortunately in the early stages, colon cancer gives rise to no or minimal symptoms.

At times you can found symptoms as a change in bowel habits like a prolonged bout of constipation, diarrhea or a feeling of abdominal fullness. Many people ignore such non-specific symptoms, attributing it to a seafood meal the night before or stress at the office. Another common symptom is rectal bleeding. Initially the amount of bleeding may be very small and may not be detected from stool examination, but can be picked out by an easy-to-perform test- the fecal occult blood test (FOBT). The other commonly used screening tests include sigmoidoscopy. There are also alternative screening options as Barium enema, virtual colonoscopy/CT colography and fecal DNA analysis. Knowing your family history is thus very important. People with positive family history of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) are at higher risk and must opt for check up.

Live right:-

@Scientist have long examined the relationship between colon cancer and dietary habits and the conclusive evidence is that high-energy consumption or a high-calorie diet and resultant obesity makes person more vulnerable to colon cancer.

@More common those who eat refined food with no dietary fibers.

@ Keep your eye on red meat intake. Its consumption has to be limited to under 500gm per week.

@ Include roughage-rich foods in your daily diet, such as whole wheat, corn bran, fresh fruits, flax seeds and vegetables such as celery, green beans, potato skin and tomato peel. Roughage helps to correct bowel disorders and keeps it functioning normally. In the absence of roughage, toxins may accumulate and increase risk.

@If you are having a hamburger, make sure you will order salad with it. Spend some time at a local grocery store near you.

@Walk more and shun a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise regularly. Really there is no alternative!!!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

We need fat…but we need to know this terms also which are high- profile in health issues.

We need fat for energy & to absorb Vit. A, D, E and K & carotenoids. When eaten in moderation, fat is essential for good health- and it’s especially important for children up to age of two.

Monounsaturated/Polyunsaturated Fat: - help to lower blood cholesterol if your meals are low in saturated fats. Contained in food such as Avocado, fish, nuts margarines & oils.

Saturated Fat: - Raise the blood cholesterol. Contained in some foods such as potato chips, manufactured cakes, biscuits, pastries, butter & dairy products.

The terms “saturated” & “unsaturated” refer to the type of molecules in the fat. Saturated molecules have all their bonds used up, so they are more rigid and stable. Unsaturated molecules have some open bonds, resulting in more reactive, liquid oil.

Cholesterol: - Is fatty substance produced naturally by the body and found in blood. LDL cholesterol clogs arteries & leads to heart diseases, while HDL cholesterol helps to unclog blood vessels.

Trans Fats: - Are like raise LDL cholesterol & lower HDL cholesterol. Contained in foods which use hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable fats.

There’s global alarm over their heart-health effects. Here’s what you need to know about Trans fats in foods.

Tran’s fats, or Tran’s fatty acids, are s type of unsaturated fat that acts like saturated fats. That is they are bad for our health because they raise the level of “bad” cholesterol in our blood. Most of the Trans fats in our food- are created as by-products of the process called hydrogenation, where food manufacturers bubble hydrogen through liquid oils, turning them into solids to make cakes and pastries. This process improves foods shelf life, flavor and stability.

Why trans fat so bad for us? Trans fat is more dangerous than saturated fat- not only because it increases level of “bad” or LDL cholesterol in our blood, it has an ability to lower the concentration of “good” or HDL Cholesterol, which protects us against heart disease.

Denmark is the first country to legislate against trans fats in food, banning all products contain more than 2% trans fatty acids of total oil or fat in a food.

Do we know what they do to our Heart?? Coronary heart disease is a major cause of death globally. In most cases it is caused by condition called atherosclerosis, where fatty deposits build up on the walls of the arteries, causing them to narrow & interrupt the flow of blood to heart. The WHO says that to be healthy, no more than 1 % of our daily calories should come from trans fat & we should consume less than 10% of calories from saturated fats. It would be easiest thing in the world to get rid of the trans fat by switching palm oil- that has 50% saturated fat

Now concern about trans fat becoming such a high profile health issue that some Govt. are moving to ban them. That’s the one reason food industry also been proactive in reducing trans fat levels. It’s easy to use different oil for frying but not for biscuits & pastries. In Malaysia & Singapore, health awareness companies highlight the negative effects of trans fat.

Now the Question is can we minimize our own trans fat intake?? … Yes we can bring down the naturally occurring trans fats by trimming fat from meat & choosing lean cuts. Butter contains trans fats is also high in saturated fat. Steer clear of manufactured cakes & pastries, particularly chocolate biscuits & doughnuts, which have the highest level of saturated fats. Other way to staying healthy are to eat more fruits & vegetables, so you are less likely to eating bad fats. Also choose reduced-fat dairy products and try to avoid toasted muselis for breakfast. Restaurants & fast food chains can be healthy if you choose wisely. Deep fried foods may contain trans fat, especially if they came from a smaller chain or your local take away restaurant.

What fat we should use???

Experts recommend that you should use a variety of oils in food preparation, including canola, sunflower, soybean, and olive, peanut, sesame & grapeseed. You should avoid oils high in saturated/trans fat, including palm oil, tallow, lard, coconut oil/cream/milk (even reduced fat varieties), cream, butter, ghee, vanaspati & baking margarine. Stick to backing, grilling, or steaming rather than deep-frying.

Baking: - Use variety of polyunsaturated & monounsaturated oils and margarines, including those made from canola, oilive, sunflower, soybean, peanut.

Spreading on bread: - Polyunsaturated & Monounsaturated.

Salad Dressing: - Use sunflower, canola, olive, peanut, sesame or grapeseed oil.

Shallow/pan/stir-frying:- A variety of oils are suitable- including all those listed above.

Deep-frying is not recommended.

If you have high cholesterol, you would feel the same as if you had low cholesterol because there are no side effects, no symptoms of having high cholesterol.